Originator |
Person who creates the report after a damage or violation has occurred. The Originator can be part of a utility company or an excavator company. |
Supervisor |
Person required to review and sign-off on reports prior to submitting them to PURA. |
Regulator |
"Regulator" refers to the government regulators that track and investigate facility damages. They make the decisions regarding penalties and enforcement of excavation laws. Example: PURA (Public Utility Regulatory Agency) in Connecticut. |
Damage Incident Report Tool. The National Damage Database that PURA uploads completed damage information to for statistical compilation and high-level analysis on industry trends. |
Reports Table
Report Fields
ID |
Unique identifier number for each report |
Date of Incident |
Date and time incident occurred |
Address of Incident |
Street location where incident occurred |
Town/City |
Town/City where incident occurred |
Name of Utility Affected |
Name of Utility whose assets were involved in the incident |
Type of Utility |
What sort of Utility was involved, e.g. water, gas, etc. |
Excavator Company Name |
Name of the excavation company involved in the event |
Report Type | Does the report refer to damange of an asset or a violation of regulations (no damage occurred)? |
Date Submitted |
The date the Originator submitted the report to the Supervisor |
Date Nominated |
The date the Originator assigned a report to a Supervisor. If a new/second Supervisor is assigned, this date may differ from the Date Submitted (appears in Supervisor/Regulator accounts only) |
Report Statuses
Draft | An incomplete report has been saved |
Review | Originator completes report and assigns to Supervisor |
For Revision | Supervisor rejects report from Originator and returns for edits |
For Regulator Approval |
Supervisor assigns report to Regulator for their review and sign-off |
In Progress | Regulator opens and starts reviewing the report |
Returned to Supervisor |
Regulator returns report to Supervisor for editing |
Completed | Regulator approves/signs-off on the report |
Report statuses can be viewed by expanding the individual reports by clicking on the ID number or the plus button:
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