To view the reports you have submitted or been assigned, click the Reports tab from the menu on the left side of the screen:
The Reports page will load up as shown below:
At the top left of the list you are given the option to select how many records to view per page. You can sort the list by the table headings, or search for individual reports via the Search option at the top right of the list.
Scroll through multiple pages of reports using the Previous/Next options in the bottom right of the screen.
You can choose to View, Print, Edit or Delete each report depending on their statuses, e.g. once a report has been submitted to the Regulator and is under For Approval status, it can no longer be edited or deleted:
View |
All reports can be viewed at any time by the Originator, the designated Supervisor, administrator & Regulator users |
All reports can be printed at any time by the Originator, the designated Supervisor, administrator & Regulator users |
Edit |
Edits can only be made by an Originator up until they submit the report to their Supervisor. A Supervisor can only edit a report up until they submit it to the Regulator. However, if the Regulator returns the report to the Supervisor they can then make additional edits. Regulators can edit a report until they Approve it or Resubmit to the Supervisor for edits. |
A report can only be deleted by an Originator up until they submit the report to their Supervisor (i.e. it is still a Draft). A Supervisor cannot delete a report that has been assigned to them. Regulators also cannot delete a report. |
Click the plus button or the ID number (e.g. IR42435) to expand the particular report to show basic details including the report status:
To condense it again, click the minus button:
To view the entire report, click on View under the "Actions" column on the far right of the table:
You can also add particular filters to show only the reports that satisfy all the chosen filter criteria. Click on the Add Filters button next to the Search bar and fill in the details:Then click Apply Filter. The Add Filters button will automatically change to Revise Filters so that you now have the option to edit/Revise the filter if you wish. To return to viewing all reports, click the Clear filter button in the drop down filter box. You can close the filters box without saving any changes you've made by clicking the Close Filters button in the bottom right corner of the filters box.
If you have applied filters and click on a report from the filtered list results, you will see a new button appear on the report in the top right corner next to the Back button, the Return to Filter button:
This allows you to return to the filtered view of Incident Reports rather than the default view of all reports.
If you click Back, you will be taken to the default view showing all reports.
For further information on the Report Fields and Statuses, check our Glossary.
Viewing my reports list as a Supervisor
Once you have logged in, select the Reports main menu tab. The same actions are available as with Originator accounts. Choose the required report by clicking the View option:
Note: If you have also undertaken the role of Originator for some reports, these will also be shown on this list.
At the top left of the list you are given the option to select how many records to view per page. You can sort the list by the table headings, or search for individual reports via the Search option at the top right of the list. Scroll through multiple pages of reports using the Previous/Next option in the bottom right of the screen.
Click the plus button or the ID number (e.g. IR42435) to expand the particular report to show basic details including the report status. To condense it again, click the minus button
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