To create a report, select the Reports menu tab on the left side of the Dashboard screen. Then click New Report at the top right of the screen:
To load the report form, identify who you are and what you're reporting, then click Proceed:
The report consists of 5 sections:
Move between each section by clicking the section header tab or the Previous and Next buttons:
If you wish to save a report part-way through (i.e. without submitting it to the Supervisor), this can be done by clicking the Save Draft button at the top right of the screen at any time. Saved reports will have the status Draft, and have the options to be Edited or Deleted.
For more information on the Finding Caller Confirmation button and Report Access Portal, please click here.
Try to complete as much of the report as possible. If there is a section you are unsure of, this can also be edited by your Supervisor later. Some dropdown fields include options to select Unknown or Other to allow for unknown information. For text fields, you may still type "Unknown" if that is your response. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You can keep track of who the Supervisor is, the date the report was submitted to that Supervisor, and the date the Supervisor was first nominated to be a supervisor by clicking on the Supervisor tab in the main menu.
If needed, the Supervisor can be changed by editing the details before the report is submitted to the Regulator. If you want to change the supervisor AFTER submitting the report, the Supervisor can do this themselves by editing the report. Alternatively, the Supervisor can reject the report back to the Originator, which then opens the form up to be amended again by the Originator.
1. Originator
Step 1 is to complete the Originator screen. This contains details of who you are and who your Supervisor is:
Some fields will auto-populate from your registration details. These can be manually overridden if required.
You must also complete the Supervisor Contact Details section. A Supervisor is someone who can verify that the details provided are correct. You can nominate yourself where applicable.
Click Next to proceed to the Affected Utility screen.
2. Affected Utility
Step 2 is to complete the Affected Utility screen. This contains details relating to the utility affected by the incident:
If you work for the utility that has been affected, some fields will auto-populate from your registration details. These can be manually overridden if required.
Click Next to proceed to the Excavator screen, or Previous to return to the Originator screen.
3. Excavator
Step 3 is to complete the Excavator screen. This contains details regarding who undertook the excavation which led to the incident:
Click Next to proceed to the Damage Details screen, or Previous to return to the Affected Utility screen.
4. Damage Details
Step 4 is to complete the Damage Details screen. This contains specific details relating to the incident and its cause:
Click Next to proceed to the Damage Impact screen, or Previous to return to the Excavator screen.
5. Damage Impact
The Damage Impact tab allows you to upload supporting photos, videos or other documents to your report, as well as allowing you again to find the Caller Confirmation sheet:Please note: If you put a CBYD Request number in the CBYD Request # field on tab "5. Damage Impact" before clicking the Find Caller Confirmation button, the Request number will not auto-fill the Request Number field in Report Access Portal (RAP).
For more information on the Finding Caller Confirmation button and Report Access Portal, please click here.
Files can be uploaded either by clicking the Attachments box and selecting the file, or by dragging and dropping the file into the box. Total attachments are limited to 100MB:
If more/larger attachments are required, you can enter a hyperlink to where the files can be located:
Submitting to Supervisor
Once the report is complete, click the Submit button in the Damage Impact screen. The report will be sent to your selected Supervisor, who will then:
- Assess the report and pass it onto the Regulator for a decision, OR
- Edit the report themselves and pass it onto the Regulator for a decision.
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